January 18, 2024

Artist talk: Roxana Azar

As you stroll through Waverley and head towards the elevators, you'll encounter one of numerous original artworks within the premises—a creation by Roxana Azar. This particular piece invites you to observe its subtle transformations as you traverse Waverley. Depending on the time of day, be it morning, midday, or evening, the reflected light unveils distinct colours, presenting a different facet of the artwork each day. The Waverley team recently had the pleasure of engaging in a conversation with Roxana Azar, gaining insights into her childhood, the inspirations that shaped her artistic journey, and her distinctive creative process.

1. What drew you to the art world?

From a young age, my passion has revolved around design, colour, patterns, and images. Even during my grade school years, I found myself consistently drawn to art rather than other subjects. Pursuing art in college and graduate school turned out to be the most rewarding decision for me; I can't imagine studying anything else! The connections I've forged within the creative community are particularly special to me. Authentic connections can be elusive, but I've been fortunate to meet some truly remarkable individuals whom I cherish in the art world.

2. Where do you find creative inspiration from?

I find inspiration from a variety of sources. I have a particular fondness for retro-futuristic movie sets, Memphis Milano furniture, Matisse's work, pop art, the "Space Age" era of furniture and interior design, Persian miniature illustrations, tattoos, rock 'n' roll, vintage matchbooks, and design in its entirety. Naturally, plants also play a significant role in fueling my creativity.

3. What is the most unique aspect of your creative process?

My work in general has always been multi-disciplinary, but in college I studied photography. I've expanded my ideas of what photography can be and how we can use images in different designs and art pieces. I create collages using my photographs and digitally embed them onto my sculptures. They all start as photographs from greenhouses and gardens around the USA!

4. Who are your favourite artists?

Among my preferred artists are Letha Wilson, whose work has challenged my preconceptions of photography, leading me back into a multi-disciplinary approach with images. Additionally, artists like Barbara Kasten, David Benjamin Sherry, Anthony Iacono, Kat Richards, Naomieh Joven, Heather Benjamin, Ricardo Diseno, Ryan Heshka, Kelly Keith, Kah Yanghi, and many more contribute to a list that's challenging to narrow down. The list goes on! It's so hard to choose.

5. What stands out most about Waverley?

I truly appreciate the presence of a thoughtfully curated art selection in residential rental spaces. It's a rarity, as many rentals tend to adopt a dull, gray, industrial aesthetic. The uniqueness of this approach stands out to me. Art has the power to add vibrancy to our surroundings, and everyone deserves to have quality art in their living spaces.